For some reason starting this thing back up seems like a good idea right now. I don't know what I'm going to say, I just have a feeling things are going to start happening. This past year has been a bit of a roller coaster, which may have made some interesting posts, but chances are it would have been more of me just bitching than trying to be productive.
So where do I start?
Monday, December 21, 2009
Labels: Fresh start, Northwest Surfing, surf
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Kansas City Weekend
Please move on there is nothing to see here. I'm serious...there is nothing of interest here in Kansas City. It even made me miss the clouds and rain. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law did their best to entertain, but they don't have much to work with here other than Lidia's resturant and my 2 month old nephew, who is pretty amazing.
Labels: family time, kansas city, nephew
Thursday, April 2, 2009
time well wasited
It's dumping in the mountains and I'm down here in the city. I guess I could go up, but another day in my brand new Burton boots makes me want to puke. I have a new pair of Salomon Synapses on the way. they should show up in a day or two. While I have all this free time I decided to get creative-
Supposed to take some rock climbing pics today, but the rain and clouds aren't going to let up. Tomorrow heading out to PA to shoot a downhill bike action - Fluid Ride Cup, with the Vholdr guys. Pretty stoked to shoot some more bike stuff. Maybe just going to stay out there depending on the surf report.
Labels: art, fluidride cup, unicorns
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Headed out Thursday with Trav to beat the weekend crowd and because I had a party to attend up at Steven's Pass for Mike T's engagement. We made it out to the coast in time for an afternoon session sharing glassy waist high waves with 3 other guys. Outgoing tide eventually put a squash on the waves so we paddled around the point to 2nd beach. Not much action over there either. It was a long paddle back, but good exercise.
Pulled up to the market shortly after sunset and we were asked about the surf by some stranger. Turns out he's working on the Crowley tug stationed in the harbor. I dropped Brock's name and sure enough they knew each other. He invited us back to the tug for a tour of the boat and a cup of coffee. Never being on a tug boat before we were stoked to check it out, but decided to stick with cans of Ranier instead of the mud brewing in the galley. It was pretty much what I expected- a big ass boat equipped with huge engines and a set of chains big enough to drag any ship. Everyone aboard was pretty friendly didn't seem to mind us snooping around.
Next morning was pretty crappy out- tide was really low and fog was thick. We checked a few spots, but ended up going back to where we surfed the afternoon before. This time we decided to hike our gear down instead of putting on our wet suits up top. I went with my dry backup suit and ended up forgetting my hood and leash in my other bag. When we got down to the beach the surf was smaller then Thursday, but the tide was just starting to come in. Within 20 minutes signs of swell were starting to show. Trav was a little preoccupied with getting a fire started, I was in my suit and headed out to take advantage of an empty lineup and glassy conditions before he even noticed the sets starting to roll in. By the time he made it out the surf had already gone from knee high curlers to easily head high walls. A few overhead sets came through and I realized I had no business being out there without a leash, but I wasn't about to go back all the way to the parking lot while the surf was as good as it was. Not long after that the wind became on shore and seemed to knock the surf down quite a bit. On our way out a few other guys were just showing up and asked how the surf was. I wanted to tell them they just missed out on some amazing waves, but I didn't want to ruin their session.
Labels: Camping, surf, Travis, Washington Surfing
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One of the loyal followers suggested a few keywords I should try to increase traffic, or at least I think that's what he was suggesting- "pussy, sex, fuck, crap, shit, puke, britney spears, son". Not sure how "son" fits in, but I'll give it a try anyways. Thanks 'slamdance69bro'! I've added it to the pic of the super secret spot above and will allow my readers to track the results here.
A funny thing about that pic above is that if you look close enough you'll notice a few things wrong with it. I'm pretty sure I posted it a few weeks back. It was a picture I photoshoped to try and fool a few friends into thinking I scored when we had actually got skunked. Looks pretty rad for it being a ankle high wave huh?
Traffic Update- 47 unique visitors yesterday.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Reaching New Audiences
I want to thank everyone who voiced concern about an unnamed spot and unnamed location. Because of your efforts traffic on my site reached an all time high of 30 visits in a single day! Usually I can account for who's stopping by to take a look - my wife, my mom, the A-man, an old co-worker, but now I have a whole new audience to entertain.
Maybe it's time to start filling out the 'Alt' tag in on my pics so you can Google `em. What keywords would bring more people here- 'washington surfing', washington surf breaks', or maybe 'WA surf spots'? And what do you guys think would look better- banner ads on the right or at the top?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Spring is here
A really long day of driving, for a relatively short surf session. Actually I didn't drive, but I did have to sit in the 'extended' portion of an 'extended cab' truck. Needless to say there was not much 'extending' going on. If it wasn't for all the Miller Highlifes I think my knees would have been permanently frozen into a 65° angle by the end of the 16 hour day. All said and done it was totally worth it- surf was pretty good, weather was amazing, and staff at Arby's was very friendly. I couldn't have asked for any better conditions on the second day of Spring.
My wetsuit still remains pee-free.
Labels: Neah Bay, Northwest Surfing, Spring
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I was there!
I ran across this pic the other day in a Stab Magazine photo expose of North Shore surfer girls. Naturally you think I'm a perv for posting this, but to be honest with you it wasn't the smokin' hot naked chicks that caught my was the Hunter Green walls, the wood headboard, and the sliding door leading out to the backyard, that made me look at this pic approx. 50 times. Why such an attention to detail you ask? Well, because I just so have happened to sleep in that very same bed. How can I be so sure? I'm sure there are a millions of room decorated like that, but the other pics confirmed my suspicions- these were taken at the Blue Wave House on the North Shore, the very same house we stayed in last year.
You'd think that this bed was blessed by the Gods and naked chicks are always draped across it's satin sheets, but it wasn't the case when I was there. The only action I saw was Tipp's fighter pilot buddy who walked around the house naked and then decided to pass out in my bed. I slept on a beach chair for the rest of the trip.
Labels: Girls, HI, Naked, North Shore, Stab
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Pee Free- Day 3
The last 2 surf sessions have been huge confidence boosters. Not even the fridged waters of the mighty Elwah River, nor the below average temps at the Cove can make this surfer pee in his new wet suit. I can do this!

Labels: Cresant, Northwest Surfing, Pee Free Westuit Project, Straits, The Cove, Westport
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Modern Surf Classic
I think I got to this one first! I haven't seen any other blogs pimpin' this shit yet- Curl Girls. Even though there's only been 4 episodes it's already my new favorite show. It the classic tale of 6 loveable californian ladies drawn together by two things- waves and pussy. That's right lesbian surfers competing for a trip to Hawaii and a new surfboard, and you can guess what kind of shenanigans go down when you force these ladies to compete for not only waves, but the love of each other.

Labels: Curl girls, lesbians, surfing
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Pee Free
I'm going to go ahead and throw something out here- I do not pee in my wetsuit.

Labels: Cove, Washington surf, Westport, Xcel Drylock
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Surf Porn
Supposedly they can surf. Plenty of pics of them carrying boards around, but not much action, and not a single video to be found. I'm pretty sure I would sell my soul to the devil to be the Partridge twins board caddy.
Labels: fantasy surf, Partridge Twins, Roxy, Surf porn
Cancelled Plans
A 5AM wake up call, packed the car, brewed some coffee, and a few text messages later I was back in bed. Surf trip to Neah Bay postponed due to extended coastal wind advisory. I think it was a good call. Would have a been a really long day to get skunked. This will give me a chance to work on repairing my quad.
WCT is back on- Quiksilver Pro. Seems to be an interesting start to the year- both Irons brothers off the tour and Bruce trying to become an ASP judge, Bobby Martinez surfing without a major sponsor, and Kelly winning his first heat on a self-shaped 5'4" quad. Hopefully all the excitement will make it a closer race than last year. I'm a Slater supporter, being from Florida and all, but I'd be down to see someone give him a run for the money. My bets on Bede Durbidge, maybe Jeremy Flores. Seems like they got their shit together and not jaded by the Slater domination. I also like Adriano De Souza, but don't want to think what will happen to the line-ups around the world if a Brazilian actually wins.
Scored some decent surf at the Jetty on Friday, but nothing compared to last Thursday. I'm afraid it will be a long time before I see the Jetty that good again.
Labels: asp world tour, Jetty, Quiksilver Pro, WCT, Westport
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Only out of work for 5 months now and my life has been reduced to searching the interweb for recipes, browsing for jobs on, and weekly surf trips. Well today all the hard work has finally paid off- I found the perfect recipe for French Toast! Thank you STARFLOWER for opening my eyes to a new way to enjoy one of my favorite meals. So simple, but when it comes out of the oven it will appear you spent all day in the kitchen, and all week searching Grandma's recipe book for just the right meal to wow your family.
I chose to share my initial attempt at French Toast Casserole with Steven, my neighbor. I could tell it was a big hit because after the first bite he dropped his guard and shared his top secret plans for Seattle nightclub/bar domination. I was kinda hurt that he didn't ask for seconds, but I'll just blame that on all of the stress he's dealing with while trying to make some pretty big decisions.
I think next time I'm going to change the recipe a little and add apple slices like Jackie suggested, and maybe a little more brown sugar on top.
Oh yeah, last Thursday- one of my best days out at the Jetty ever! Not huge, but at least head high, breaking top to bottom most the way through, off-shore winds, sunny out, and mid-week crowds.
Labels: French Toast Casserole, Jetty, surf, Westport
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Why is NewYork the best city in the world?
Fuck if I know why. If it wasn't for the tall gorgeous women, lax drinking laws, non-stop partying, and top-notch transportation system, New York wouldn't be much more than an over-hyped, overpriced, crowded, smelly island surrounded by pockets of filth filled with ginotheginny's who are ready to argue with you at the drop of a hat on why it's impossible to get good pizza outside NY. i had a great time. Pics to follow.